How to Remove Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) on your Mac with App Uninstaller

In this guide, we will show you how to use App Uninstaller to effectively fix the issues on your Mac, which might be caused by the incomplete removal of the Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) app. App Uninstaller is the decent all-around Mac uninstaller developed by the legit vendor, and it is the best paid Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) uninstaller you can purchase. These issues below you might want to fix and test to be resolved by App Uninstaller in a safer and faster fashion:

  • Your Mac is slowing down by loads of unknown macOS apps at startup, including Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257). However, you don't know how to disable and delete it.
  • The Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) app is still running on your Mac after you delete it via Trash and remove it from the Login Items.
  • Your Mac's startup disk is running out & almost full and running slow due to insufficient space.
  • There are too many hidden files and leftovers from deleted apps all over the place, taking up space and slowing down your Mac speed.

FYI: You can grab the summer sale currently promoted on the official to get the App Uninstaller lifetime deal. App Uninstaller is the best Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) uninstaller for every Mac computer.

Steps to remove Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) app and leftovers completely

The free method: Delete Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) app and related leftovers manually

Step 1: Delete Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) app via Trash

  1. Click the Finder on the Dock to open a new Finder windows.
  2. CLick Applications on the left sidebar.
  3. Find the Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) app and then drag it into Trash on the bottom right.
  4. Empty the Trash.

Step 2: Locate and delete the Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257)'s leftovers at Library

  1. Click the Finder on the Dock to open Finder.
  2. Enter the Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) app name on the upper right search bar.
  3. Wait for the search to be complete, select the files related to the Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) app, and then move them to Trash.
  4. Empty the Trash of these Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) files.

Most of the Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257)'s leftovers are located at Library, where you'll need to search, locate all the files associated with the Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257)'s name, and then delete them completely. At some occasions, some of the Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257)'s files are hidden files that your macOS does not allow you to delete.

  • Library can be found in ~/Library/
  • Plug-ins are located in ~/Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/
  • App preferences are located in ~/Library/Preferences/
  • Binary and dock icons can be found in /Applications/
  • Application support files are located in ~/Library/Application
  • App saved states are located in ~/Library/Saved Application State/
  • Crashes are found in ~/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/
  • Support Caches can be found in /Library/Caches/ and ~/Library/Caches

Step 3: Remove Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) entries at Login Items

  1. Click the Apple icon the upper top left corner.
  2. Select System Preferences, and then click Users & Groups.
  3. Click on Login Items at the Users & Groups.
  4. Select the named item of Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) app, and then click the '-' at the bottom to remove it from startup.

Video guide: How to remove Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) entries at Login Items

The recommended solution: Use App Uninstaller, the ultimate macOS uninstaller from, to remove Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) completely in a safer and faster way

Why use App Uninstaller? The regular way to delete Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) using the regular free methods does not work as you would like to, resulting in the issues above. Plus, it is very demanding and should be cautious for everyone to clean up the leftovers.

How to use App Uninstaller to uninstall Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) on your macOS step by step

We have tested the following macOS versions on using App Uninstaller to delete Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) completely:

  • macOS 10.12 Sierra
  • macOS 10.13 High Sierra
  • macOS 10.14 Mojave
  • macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • macOS 11 Big Sur
  • macOS 12 Monterey
  • macOS 13 Ventura

You can follow these steps below to remove Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) from your macOS devices using App Uninstaller

Step 1: Launch App Uninstaller. If you've not yet installed it, you can download and install App Uninstaller here.

Step 2: Select the Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) app at the app list, and then click Run Analysis.

Step 3: Wait for the search result of all Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257)'s files to be complete, review theme and then click Complete Uninstall.

Step 4: The Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) removal is completed successfully.

Video guide to use App Uninstaller to delete Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) completely

What is macOS?

If you're new to the Mac platform, you may be wondering what macOS is. All Mac computers and all Mac apps, including Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257), are powered by macOS, which is the underlying operating system. It's based on Unix, which makes it stable and secure. macOS includes a number of features that aren't found in other operating systems, like the Dock and Mission Control. It also integrates well with iCloud and other Apple services. If you're considering switching to a Mac, it's important to understand how macOS works. In this analysis, we are going to cover what macOS is, what the benefits are, and what you need to know before you purchase a machine that runs macOS.

Benefits of macOS

One of the biggest benefits of macOS is its stability. Because it's based on Unix, it's less likely to crash or experience problems than other operating systems. It's also more secure, thanks to its built-in security features. If you're looking for an operating system that will be reliable and secure, macOS is a great choice. Another benefit of macOS is its integration with other Apple services. If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can use Continuity to make calls and send messages from your Mac. iCloud makes it easy to sync your files between all of your devices, and Apple Pay lets you make purchases online and in-app using your fingerprint or Apple Watch. If you're invested in the Apple ecosystem, macOS is a logical choice.

What You Need to Know Before You Buy

If you're considering purchasing a Mac, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, Macs are more expensive than PCs. You'll also need to buy separate software for tasks like photo editing and video editing, as there aren't many high-quality options available for Mac. Finally, you'll need to be comfortable using a command line interface, as some tasks can only be completed using terminal commands. If you're looking for a stable and secure operating system that integrates well with other Apple services, macOS is a great choice. Keep in mind that Macs are more expensive than PCs, and you'll need to buy separate software for tasks like photo and video editing.

Is macOS Better Than Windows?

The debate between Mac and Windows has been going on for years, and there's no clear winner. There are pros and cons to both operating systems. macOS is more stable and secure, but it's also more expensive. Windows is less expensive and easier to use, but it's not as reliable as macOS. In the end, it comes down to personal preference and your unique needs.

Processing Strength

When it comes to processing strength, macOS reigns supreme. macOS is more stable and secure than Windows due to its Unix-based foundation. In addition, it is capable of handling more complex tasks without slowing down. If you're looking for an operating system that can handle intensive tasks like video editing and 3D rendering, macOS is a great choice.

Ease of Use

Windows is generally considered to be more user-friendly than macOS. The interface is more familiar and intuitive for most users. macOS can be challenging to learn, especially if you're coming from a Windows background. However, once you get the hang of it, macOS is just as easy to use as Windows.


Macs are more expensive than PCs, both in terms of the initial purchase price and the cost of ownership. Macs also tend to have a shorter lifespan than PCs, so you'll need to replace your Mac more often. If you're looking for an operating system on a budget, Windows is the better choice.

Look & Aesthetics

When it comes to looks, macOS is the clear winner. The interface is clean and minimalist, and Apple computers are known for their sleek design. If you're looking for an operating system that's both easy on the eyes and easy to use, macOS is a great choice.

Software Compatibility

macOS is less compatible with third-party software than Windows. There are fewer software options available for Mac, and some popular programs might not have a Mac version. If you rely on specific software for work or school, make sure it's available for Mac before you make your purchase.

How to Choose the Right Version of macOS

There are 7 versions of macOS from macOS Sierra to macOS Ventura. Ventura is the latest version of the operating system, and it includes new features like Siri integration and Apple Pay. High Sierra is the previous version of the operating system, and it's recommended for users who need more stability and security. If you're not sure which version of macOS is right for you, contact Apple support for help.

Common macOS Questions

What Machines Run macOS?

Macs! All Mac computers come with macOS pre-installed. If you're looking to buy a new computer, you can purchase a Mac directly from Apple or from an authorized reseller.

How Do I Upgrade to macOS?

If you already have a Mac, you can upgrade to the latest version of macOS for free. You can check for updates by opening the App Store and clicking on the Updates tab. It will automatically download and install the update on your Mac.

How Do I Install macOS on a PC?

It's not possible to install macOS on a non-Mac computer. If you want to use macOS, you'll need to purchase a Mac.

How Do I Use macOS?

Using macOS is similar to using any other operating system. You'll use the Finder to access your files, and you can launch apps from the Dock. Mission Control gives you an overview of all your open windows, and Spotlight helps you search for files and launch apps. If you're familiar with Unix, you'll feel right at home using macOS.

Key Takeaways

macOS is a great choice for users who need a stable and secure operating system. It's also a good choice for users who value aesthetics and ease of use. There are many Mac machines that run macOS and can delivery everything that you need in a computer.

How to use App Uninstaller to uninstall Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) in OS X

App Uninstaller is tested to work on these OS X versions without any hassle: OS X 10.7 Lion, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, OS X 10.9 Mavericks, OS X 10.10 Yosemite, and OS X 10.11 El Capitan. And the Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) removal steps are the same as in macOS.

What is OS X?

If you're looking to learn more about Macs and the operating systems that power them, then you might want to know: what is OX X? OS X is the most recent version of Apple's desktop operating system. It's a reliable, powerful, and easy-to-use platform that comes with everything you need to get started with your Mac. And it's free to download and install on any compatible Mac.

In this analysis, we're going to cover what OS X is, what machines it is used on, what the benefits are, and some other basic information that will tell you exactly what you need to know about OS X before investing in a machine that runs this system.

What Machines Run OS X?

The latest version of OS X, Mavericks, runs on every Mac that Apple currently sells: iMac, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Mac mini, and Mac Pro. You can also install it on any Mac that's able to run Mountain Lion or Lion, which are the two versions of OS X that came before Mavericks. That's every machine that Apple has sold since mid-2007.If you have an older Mac that can't run Mavericks, you can still upgrade to Mountain Lion or Lion. And if your machine is even older than that, you can still download and install Snow Leopard, which was the version of OS X that came before Lion.

Benefits of OS X

There are many benefits to running OS X, especially if you're coming from a Windows PC. One big benefit is that OS X is very stable and doesn't crash as often as Windows. It's also much more secure, so you don't have to worry about viruses and malware as much. And it's very easy to use, so you'll be able to get started with your Mac right away without any hassle.

Another big benefit of OS X is that it comes with a lot of great features and apps that you won't find on Windows. For example, there's the iLife suite, which includes apps for music, movies, and photos. And there's also the iWork suite, which is a great alternative to Microsoft Office. Finally, OS X is constantly being updated with new features and improvements. So you'll always have the latest and greatest version of the operating system, without having to pay for it. OS X Mavericks was released on October 22, 2013 and is the latest version of the operating system. It's a free upgrade for all Mac users running Mountain Lion or Lion.

Should You Upgrade to OS X?

If you're currently running Snow Leopard, Lion, or Mountain Lion, then you can upgrade to Mavericks for free. And if you're using an older version of OS X, then you can buy a new Mac that comes with Mavericks pre-installed. If you're happy with the version of OS X that you're using, then there's no need to upgrade. But if you're looking for the latest and greatest features, then upgrading to Mavericks is a great way to get them.

Reasons to Keep Your Mac Updated

There are a few key reasons why you should keep your Mac up-to-date. Here are some of the benefits of keeping your Mac updated as new releases are provided by the Apple team.

Latest Features and Improvements

As Apple release new versions of OS X, they include a variety of new features and improvements. This means that by upgrading to the latest version, you'll get access to all of the latest and greatest features that Apple has to offer.

Secure From Potential Threats

By keeping your Mac up-to-date, you'll also be able to keep it secure from potential threats. As new security threats are discovered, Apple releases updates that patch these vulnerabilities. So by staying up-to-date, you can be sure that your Mac is protected from the latest security risks.

Improved Performance

Another reason to keep your Mac up-to-date is that new versions often include performance improvements. So if you're noticing that your Mac is running slower than it used to, upgrading to the latest version of OS X may help to speed it up.

Compatibility With Software & Programs

Finally, it's important to keep your Mac up-to-date in order to maintain compatibility with the latest software and programs. As new versions of software are released, they often require the latest version of OS X in order to work properly. So if you want to run the latest programs on your Mac, you'll need to make sure that you keep your machine updated as new OS versions come out.

What's New in OS X Mavericks?

Now that we've covered some of the basics of OS X, let's take a look at what's new in Mavericks.


One of the biggest new features in Mavericks is iBooks. With iBooks, you can read ebooks on your Mac just like you would on your iPhone or iPad. You can buy books from the iBooks Store, and you can also sync your existing books from your other devices. To get started with iBooks, just open the app and start browsing the store. When you find a book that you want to read, just click the "Buy" button. The book will be downloaded to your Mac and added to your library. Once you've bought a book, you can read it in iBooks just like you would on your other devices. You can adjust the font size, the brightness, and even the background color. And if you come across a word that you don't know, you can just hover over it and get a definition. iBooks is a great way to read books on your Mac, and it's also a great way to keep your library organized. If you have a lot of books, you can create shelves to organize them. And if you're reading multiple books at the same time, you can keep track of your progress with the built-in Reading Now feature.


Another new app in Mavericks is Maps. With Maps, you can view maps, get directions, and even see 3D flyovers of cities. To get started with Maps, just open the app and enter a location in the search bar. You'll see a map of that location, as well as some basic information about it. If you want to get directions, just click the "Directions" button. You can choose to get driving, walking, or public transit directions. And you can even see a preview of the route before you start. If you want to see a 3D flyover of a city, just click the "Flyover" button. You'll be able to see a 3D view of the city, and you can even fly around and explore it. Maps is a great way to get directions and explore new places. And with the 3D flyover feature, it's also a great way to see cities in a whole new way.

Finder Tabs

One of the biggest changes in Mavericks is the way that Finder handles tabs. In previous versions of OS X, you could open multiple windows in Finder. But in Mavericks, you can now create tabs in Finder just like you can in your web browser. To get started with Finder tabs, just open a new window and click the "+" button. This will create a new tab, and you can repeat this process to create as many tabs as you want. You can move between tabs by clicking on them, or you can use the keyboard shortcut "Command + Shift + T". And you can even drag and drop files between tabs. Finder tabs are a great way to keep your Mac organized. If you have a lot of files that you need to access, you can put them all in one window with multiple tabs. And if you're working on multiple projects at the same time, you can create a new tab for each project.

How to Update Your Mac

Updating your Mac is easy and only takes a few minutes. Just open the App Store app on your Mac and click the Updates tab. From there, you can install any available updates for your system software, as well as any updates for the apps that you have installed. You can also set your App Store preferences to install updates automatically, so you'll always have the latest versions of everything without even having to think about it. OS X is a great platform that provides everything you need to get started with your Mac. It's easy to use, stable, and comes with a ton of features and apps. And if you're looking for the latest and greatest, then upgrading to Mavericks is a great way to get it.

How to use App Uninstaller to uninstall Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) in Mac OS X

App Uninstaller is tested to work on these Mac OS X versions without any issue: Mac OS X 10.0 (Cheetah), Mac OS X 10.1 (Puma), Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar, Mac OS X 10.3 Panther, Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. The Alfred 5 Powerpack 5.5 (2257) removal steps are the same as in macOS.

What is Mac OS X

If you're new to Mac, or just curious about what sets it apart from Windows or Linux, you may be wondering: What is Mac OS X? We'll give a brief overview of the history of Mac OS and walk through some of the key features that make it unique. So if you're ready to learn more about Apple's operating system, keep reading!

Mac OS Summary

Mac OS is the operating system that powers every Mac. It's designed to be stable and secure, while also providing a variety of features and tools to help you get the most out of your Mac. The latest version, macOS Sierra, was released in September 2016.

The first version of Mac OS X was released in March 2001, replacing the earlier Mac OS 9. It was a major update that included a completely new graphical user interface (based on the NeXTstep platform), support for preemptive multitasking, and many other features that would become standard in modern operating systems.

Over the years, Mac OS X has gone through several major revisions, each of which added new features and capabilities. In 2007, Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard was released, which included a major update to the Finder (the file manager application), as well as support for 64-bit processors and other improvements.

In 2009, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard was released. This version focused on improving performance and efficiency, and included support for the latest Intel processors.

In 2011, Mac OS X 10.7 Lion was released. This was a major update that included many new features, such as a new version of the Finder, multitouch gestures, and support for full-screen applications.

In 2012, Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion was released. This version added even more features from iOS, such as the Notification Center, AirPlay mirroring, Game Center, and more.

In 2013, Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks was released. Mavericks brought over 200 new features to the operating system, including major updates to the Finder, Safari, Mail, and Calendar applications.

In 2014, Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite was released. This version featured a major redesign of the user interface, as well as new features such as Continuity (which allows you to use your iPhone or iPad to make and receive phone calls and texts on your Mac), iCloud Drive, and more.

In 2015, Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan was released. El Capitan focused on performance and stability improvements, as well as new features such as system-wide support for fonts, a new "rootless" security system, and more.

In 2016, macOS Sierra was released. This version included Siri support, Apple Pay on the web, Universal Clipboard, and other improvements. macOS High Sierra, the latest version of the Mac operating system, was released in September 2017. High Sierra includes new features such as an updated file system, support for virtual reality headsets, and improved video editing tools.

While Mac OS is based on a UNIX foundation, it has been heavily modified over the years to include a variety of features that make it more user-friendly and suitable for a wide range of tasks. In addition, Apple has added many features that are designed to work well with its hardware, such as support for AirPlay and iCloud.

Benefits of a Mac OS X

There are many benefits to using a Mac, including the following:

- Ease of use: Mac OS is designed to be easy to use, with a simple and intuitive user interface. Even if you're new to computers, you should be able to figure out how to use a Mac without too much trouble.

- Stability and security: Mac OS is a very stable and secure operating system. It's rare for a Mac to crash or freeze, and viruses and other malware are not as common on Macs as they are on PCs.

- Variety of features: Mac OS includes a variety of features that can be helpful in different situations. For example, the built-in Spotlight search tool can be very useful when you're looking for a specific file, and the Time Machine backup feature can save you a lot of time if your computer crashes.

- Hardware compatibility: Macs are designed to work well with Apple's own line of hardware, such as the MacBook, iMac, and Mac mini. If you have multiple Apple devices, they should all work together seamlessly.

- Aesthetics: Macs are known for their sleek and stylish designs. Whether you're looking for a powerful desktop computer or a portable laptop, there's a Mac that will suit your needs.

Drawbacks of a Mac OS X

While there are many benefits to using a Mac, there are also some drawbacks to consider:

- Cost: Macs are generally more expensive than PCs, especially if you're looking for a high-end model.

- Limited software selection: While there are many great Mac applications available, the selection is still limited compared to what's available for Windows.

- Limited hardware options: If you're looking for a specific type of computer or peripheral, you may have more luck finding it if you buy a PC. For example, there are many more different types of graphics cards available for PCs than for Macs.

- Compatibility issues: Macs are not as compatible with other devices and software as PCs are. For example, you may have trouble printing to a non-Apple printer or accessing a Windows-only website.

- Lack of support: If you have problems with your Mac, you may have trouble finding help. Apple stores are not as common as Microsoft stores, and there are fewer independent Mac repair shops.

Let's Recap

Mac OS is a UNIX-based operating system that has been heavily modified by Apple over the years. It is known for its ease of use, stability, and security. Macs are also usually more expensive than PCs, have a limited selection of software and hardware options, and can be less compatible with other devices and software. If you are considering purchasing a Mac, now you have all of the information that you need to make a decision!